London Rath-Yatra

Hare Krishna

Ratha-Yatra will take place on the Sunday 18th June 2006. The procession will begin at 12pm at Hyde Park Corner in London.

We have been informed that many Maharajas and senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada will be attending London Rath-Yatra. Here are few names that we have been informed of, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH BV Goswami, HH BV Madhava Swami, HH Gopal Krsna Goswami, HH Indradyumna Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Kavicandra Swami, HH Mahavishnu Swami, HG Hari Sauri Prabhu & HG Devi deva Prabhu. Other special guests will be attending are HG Sri Nathji Prabhu & HG Devakinandana Prabhu.

Rathayatra UK | Festival of the Chariots