Clean Vrindavan Project to Promote Spiritual Tourism

VRINDAVAN: Noted for its numerous temples, the holy land of Vrindavan in Mathura district, where Lord Krishna spent his childhood, has seen a huge increase in pilgrims and tourists in recent years.

However, over-flowing drains, strewn garbage and crowded, littered streets is what greets the thousands of pilgrims who visit this historic place every year. Locals rue that Vrindavan's religious and historical relevance is slowly being taken over by urbanisation and congestion.

In an attempt to revive Vrindavan's lost glory, Times Foundation has joined hands with local bodies to create a system level change in this historic town. The Clean Vrindavan project has been started in association with ISKCON (Vrindavan and Mumbai) and NGO — Friends of Vrindavan — as a social intiative to promote spiritual tourism at large. Times Foundation is supporting the initative to clean the town with a long term vision of improving sanitation, hygiene and living conditions here.

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